Lesson 9: Client Program Design (3 Month Program)
Prep call, Prep email, intro video
Intake Session & Heart Math Device Set Up
Month 1
week 1 - Body Calibration & Resonant Frequency
week 2 - Transformation Session
week 3 - Integration Session & Feeling State
week 4 - Integration Session & Feeling State
Month 2
week 1 - Transformation Session
week 2 - Integration Sessions & Feeling State
week 3 - Integration Sessions & Feeling State
week 4 - Integration Sessions & Feeling State
Month 3
week 1 - Transformation Session
week 2 - Integration Sessions & Feeling State
week 3 - Integration Sessions & Feeling State
week 4 - Re-assess client for results
Personal Exploration: Practice the intake with a test client, friend, or family member.
Video: Intake Training Video
Additional Materials:
* We’re proud affiliates of these products and services, and we do receive a small commission from these sales.
Lesson 10: HeartMath Assessment, Interpretation, and Integration
“Every beat of your heart is the Rhythm of your soul.”
Beats Per Minute (BPM) Your current heart rate is displayed in beats per minute. The BPM is constantly changing, consistent with your heart rate variability.
HRV is Heart Rate Variability This is the normally occurring beat-to-beat changes in heart rate. Analysis of HRV is an important tool used to assess heart-brain interactions and autonomic nervous system dynamics (function, synchronization and balance). HRV is considered a key indicator of aging, cardiac health, resilience and overall well-being.
Heart Coherence Coherence refers to your internal order or harmony. You don’t maintain harmonious frequency in the body unless you have heart coherence. Increased Coherence enables better balance, greater health, and new levels of creativity, resilience and productivity. A Coherent heart rhythm is a stable regular repeating rhythm resembling a sine wave. The more stable and regular the heart rhythm frequency is, the higher the Coherence Score.
Spectrum Graph Displays a mathematical transformation of the heart rhythm data into its frequency components. The slowest (low) frequencies are shown on the left hand side of the graph and faster (high) frequencies on the right. As the heart rhythm becomes more Coherent the frequency distribution becomes more concentrated into a signal peak. The Spectrum is updated every 5 seconds.
Power Spectrum The blue bars in the differently colored regions indicate different states of activity in the autonomic nervous system. There are three colored regions -
The VLF (very low frequency) dark colored region on the left shows sympathetic activation. Most people initially will have a large peak to the left in the VLF region due to sympathetic activity.
The LF (low frequency) region in the light colored middle is sometimes called the "baroreceptor region" which reflects the blood pressure control mechanisms between the heart and the brain. When in a coherent mode this indicates a synchronization of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. As you shift towards high coherence, the bars will focus around 0.1 Hz in this region.
The HF (high frequency) region on the right indicates parasympathetic activity. A peak around .2 Hz to the right in the parasympathetic region can appear when the user is in relaxation mode.
Inner Balance Assessment: Set challenge level to level 2
HRV Lifestyle Assessment - 5 min assessment that covers 5 areas of life: Home environment and personal relationships (friends and family), work environment and co-workers, relationship to self, hobbies and personal activities, finances. This will show a reflection of how the clients nervous system is functioning regularly.
HRV Self Regulation Assessment - This assessment shows the client's capacity to self regulate when they focus on their breathing and follow a 12 second breath pacer. Allow them to close their eyes and breath deeply in and out while following the 12 second breath pace (you can guide them when to inhale and exhale so that they can relax during this assessment).
After both assessments explain the difference between how their body reflects stress in relationship to their lifestyle compared to when they can calmly breath.
Personal Exploration: Practice the HeartMath 5 Minute Lifestyle Assessment and 5 Minute Capacity Assessment on a friend or family member and explain how they can use the information.
Video: HeartMath Documentary
Reading: Science of the Heart Chapter 3
Additional Materials:

Lesson 11: How Music Brings Us Back to Harmony
Ancient Vedic mystics crafted the phrase Nada Brahma, which means “the world is sound.” In the shamanic traditions it is told that the vibration and energy of words and thoughts formed the entire physical world. Everything is vibrating.
We now understand that the body has resonant frequencies for each organ, tissue, cell, or even thoughts. The health of our whole system is each individual cell vibrating at its resonant frequency and reaching a harmony or consistency between all of the systems in the body. (heart, mind, body, spirit)
Hearing sounds influence the mind, emotions, and nervous system.
Calming/Activating Sounds
Binaural beats and entrainment
Transferring sound directly into the physical body to shift frequencies on a cellular level.
Frequencies of nerves, muscles, bones, tissue, etc.
Nature has every frequency we need to heal
Everything in the physical world is an extension or expression of the state that the creator was in. Business, music, relationships, food, art, children, etc.
Transformation Journey with Sound
Beginning - Drop in/Clearing/Heart/Coherence
Music that activates the heart, calms, relaxes, and creates safety
20 minutes
David Gibson - Unconditional Divine Love
Crown Chakra Bowl
Volume and amplitude level 6-8 on a scale of 1-10
Middle - Process/emotional release/sensory exploration
Music that stirs up emotions or releases energy, repetitive rhythm that allows the client to “tune out” the music and reach a trans state or state of hypnosis.
1 hour 30 minutes
Add activating music, sounds, or instruments to help release
Volume and amplitude 3-5 on a scale of 1-10
End - Integration with higher self and embodiment of new feeling state
Music that supports their intention for expansion (joy, love, support)
Home Note - in the note or frequency that brings your body back into resonance with your natural harmony or soul.
10-20 minutes
Volume and amplitude 7-10 on a scale of 1-10
Personal Exploration: Create a 2 hour music journey for your transformation sessions that includes:
Positive/loving/pure/divine intention
relaxation/safety/meditation/trans/hypnotic state
- Emotional healing/release​​
- Integration of positive feeling state/connection to their soul
Video: Sound Healing
Reading: The Complete Guide to Sound Healing - Use as a reference for additional information
Additional Materials: ​
Lesson 12: Light and Color Healing​
Light waves and particles are energy vibrating just like sound.
Light can be absorbed through eyes, skin, energetic field.
The sun has all of the light wavelengths we need!
Daylight Spectrum:
Morning: red > Orange > Yellow >
Day: Cool White > Green/Blue > Indigo >
Evening: Warm White > Amber > Orange/Red
We need different light and sound frequencies like we need vitamins and nutrients!
LEDs are the best for light therapy, photon delivery, and isolated light waves as “vitamins”.
Coherent Light:
In Pase
Identical Amplitude
Visual Trance for Transformation Sessions
“When your brain waves slow down you move beyond your analytical mind and into a trance so that you’re more suggestable to information. “ - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Personal Exploration: Create a light healing experience for one of your client’s intentions that includes:
Light colors that align with their feelings, chakras, or intentions for healing
Visual trance video from youtube
Be able to explain to the group why you chose these elements and how they will add to your client’s transformation session.
Video: Light Therapy
Reading: The Complete Guide to Sound Healing Pg. 175-178 Light and Color
Additional Materials:
​The Secret Language of Color Book
Let There Be Light Therapy Book
Color Medicine Book
Lesson 13: Using Multi-Sensory Experiences to Create Memory
Types of memory
Short Term
Long Term
Sensory Memory - Senses create an experiential response which triggers sensory memory, when it is strong enough to trigger an emotional response it stores the experience as a long term memory.
Sight = Iconic Memory - 0.5 second - Clairvoyant
Touch = Haptic Memory - 2 seconds - Clairsentient
Sound = Echoic Memory - 3-4 seconds - Clairaudient
Taste = Olfactory Memory - 5 seconds - Clairgustance
Smell = Olfactory Memory - 5 seconds - Clairalience
The olfactory bulb has direct connections to two brain areas of the limbic system that are strongly implicated in emotion, memory, and creativity:
This may be why olfaction, more than any other sense, is so successful at triggering emotions and storing memories. Smell and emotion are stored as one memory.
How and when to use different types of smell triggers
External Indicator - recalling past emotional experiences
Generic positive emotional scents are used to create desire and positive change ot to engage in your environment (smell of popcorn at the movie theater makes you want to buy snacks)
Internal Indicator - Creating custom scents for clients soul frequency meditation
Personalized scents that have a positive influence on a specific person (When you smell your partners perfume or a scent of home)
Virtual Indicator - SANGA studio rainforest experience
A smell from another location in a virtual experience (seeing a mountain top on the ELEV8 Platform with the smell of the mountain air)
Categories and Impact of Different Oils:
Florals Oils - Calming, relaxing, feminine
Trees Oils - Grounding, stabilizing, masculine
Mint Oils - Invigorating
Citrus Oils - Energizing
Herbs and Spice Oils - Complex and medicinal
Responses to Oils:
Strongly drawn to an oil - Readiness to change or craving change
Strong repulsion to an oil - May be needing the change but resisting
Anchoring in new feeling states:
Using oils to pattern new sensory messages, emotions, and memories
Daily for 4-6 weeks
Use quality oils that are certified therapeutic grade
Personal Exploration: Explore a personalized scent or blend for yourself this week OR try some scents from your childhood and see what memories arise.
Reading: The Essential Emotions Guide
Additional Materials:
Essential Life Book (Free with a purchase of doTerra oils kit)
Lesson 14: Body Calibration and Multi-Sensory Decision Making
Ask your clients about preferences and sensitivities before the session
Are you sensitive to smells, essential oils, sound, light?
How comfortable are you with therapeutic touch relating to muscle tension?
Do you prefer firm or light pressure?
Multi-Sensory Decision Making
Awareness to Sensations
How do they want to interact with the objects
Does it bring up any feelings, thoughts, images, memories, or emotions?
Do they like it or dislike it?
Personal Exploration: Perform a body calibration session on a friend or family member and write down what you notice about that client based on their experience and preferences.
Video: Body Calibration Session
Additional Materials: ​
Lesson 15: Integration Program, Feeling States, and Incorporating Various Modalities
Elevated Feeling States & Personalized Meditation
Integration Program
Integrating Various Healing Modalities
Personal Exploration: Guide a friend or family member through a feeling state meditation this week and explain it to them.
Additional Materials: ​
Becoming Supernatural, Joe Dispenza​