Creating Your Business From Abundance​
Personal Exploration: ​ Are there any patterns you are aware of that are keeping you from creating abundance in your business?
Value? Worth? Charging Clients? Deserving​ abundance? Fear of rejection? Not feeling like enough?
Additional Materials: ​
Lesson 16: Discovering Your Purpose and Passion
If you could make any positive impact on the world, what would it be?
What breaks your heart about the world today?
How do you want to gift your life force energy to humanity?
What skills have you acquired throughout your life to help with this?
Write a list of 10 ways you provide value to others.
Why should your business exist?
What is a big impact you will commit to making in the world?
Why now? How is your business perfectly aligned with your purpose to help make a big shift in humanity at this moment in time?
What are things you do for the love of it, not for financial gain? Passions.
Write 10 things you love about yourself, bobbies, or hidden talents/gifts.
What would it look like to align your purpose and passions with these positive impacts on the world?
Personal Exploration: ​ Ask at least 10 people you know about your strengths and/or superpowers. *Sample text below*
Hey there! This is going to a small number of people that I respect and trust (that’s YOU) — and I promise, this won’t take more than a moment of your time. I'm taking a business program and I've been challenged to find out my 3 strongest, best qualities. My ‘superpowers’ if you will. I'm really curious to hear your take… From the outside looking in, what do you believe are my 3 best, strongest qualities? What do you come to me for or where do you see me offering substantial value to others?
Reading: The Rhythm of Life; The Desire Map Experience; Soul Journeying
Additional Materials: ​
Lesson 17: Connecting Your Passion and Purpose to the Right People
Who are the people you get most excited to be around?
What are the things that you talk about?
Who do you feel that you can hold the most compassion, empathy and understanding for?
What specific difference do you want to make in their life?
What are you offering to these people through your program?
What specific impacts will your program have on their lives or what problem will you help them solve?
What do you envision for your community?
How will people gather?
How will you show up for your community?
How will they show up for you?
How will they treat each other?
What will happen in their lives as a result of being a part of your tribe?
​Personal Exploration: For the next week pay attention to your body’s signals around different people.
Who do you open up around?
Who do you feel comfortable holding space for?
Who makes you feel closed off or uncomfortable?
Have you done any practice sessions and realized that certain people weren’t resonating with your healing style? Why?
Additional Materials: ​
Lesson 18: Connecting to Your Ideal Client
​Personal Exploration: Select one ideal Customer Avatar for your beta program. Copy and paste the interview questions below to get to know your ideal client. Then reach out to 5-10 people who fit this avatar and interview them over the phone or zoom.
Who is this person?
Where do they live? Income range? Married or Single? What do they love? What do they do? What are their hobbies?
Reading: Book Yourself Solid, Expert Secrets
Additional Materials: ​Client Interview Questions - Sample
Lesson 19: Interviewing Your Ideal Client
​Personal Exploration: Select one ideal Customer Avatar for your beta program. Copy and paste the interview questions below to get to know your ideal client. Then reach out to 5-10 people who fit this avatar and interview them over the phone or zoom.
Who is this person?
Where do they live? Income range? Married or Single? What do they love? What do they do? What are their hobbies?
Reading: Book Yourself Solid, Expert Secrets
Additional Materials: ​Client Interview Questions - Sample
Lesson 20: Value-Centered Messaging
​Personal Exploration: Select one ideal Customer Avatar for this exercise and create a 30 second value-centered message about what you do and who you help. Here are some examples from students below:
Who you work with (ideal client avatar)?
Shelley: I work with women who want to speak their truth, express their emotions, and listen to others
Brianne: I love working with women who are suffering from the grief and loss of a loved one.
What value have they received from your program?
Shelley: She has learned how to tap into her emotional body, understand what emotions are coming up, communicate them with her partner more clearly, and process them on the spot. It’s helped her to have a better relationship and better boundaries that honor her.
Brianne: Overall peace, sense of direction, and lightness in my heart.
How has it impacted their way of being?
Shelley: She’s more connected to herself and what she’s feeling. She’s able to communicate without shutting down and withdrawing when she experiences emotions.
Brianne: Before working with me (Brianne) they felt guilty, like they didn’t deserve to be happy. After she came out of the process my client felt like she could have faith in something and was able to let go of some of the depressing feelings. She felt more connected to her sense of purpose and signed up for college classes and allowing herself to do what she loves instead of caretaking for everyone around her.
Explain the way they think and feel about themselves, their life, relationships, approach to stress, etc.
Shelley: Before she wasn’t fully honoring herself or creating space for her emotions.
Brianne: Deep fear of not knowing if their loved one is okay and safe. She felt that she deserved her sadness and pain, her daughter deserved her sadness and pain. Fear that was incapable of starting over, that her child was her world and she was so amazing.
Put all of those answers together to create your 30 Second Value-centered Message:
Shelley: I work with women who want to speak their truth, express their emotions, and listen to others. She has learned how to tap into her emotional body, understand what emotions are coming up, communicate them with her partner more clearly, and process them on the spot. Before she wasn’t fully honoring herself or creating space for her emotions. It’s helped her to have a better relationship and better boundaries that honor her. She’s more connected to herself and what she’s feeling. She’s able to communicate without shutting down and withdrawing when she experiences emotions.
Brianne: I love working with women who are suffering from the grief and loss of a loved one. Before working with me (Brianne) they felt guilty, like they didn’t deserve to be happy. Deep fear of not knowing if their loved one is okay and safe. She felt that she deserved her sadness and pain, her daughter deserved her sadness and pain. Fear that was incapable of starting over, that her child was her world and she was so amazing. After she came out of the process my client felt like she could have faith in something and was able to let go of some of the depressing feelings. She felt Overall peace, sense of direction, and lightness in my heart and more connected to her sense of purpose. Recently she signed up for college classes and allowing herself to do what she loves instead of caretaking for everyone around her.
Add your unique strengths and special gifts at the end:
Shelley: Clear communication, I deeply care about people,
Brianne: My clients get so much out of working with me because I have a clear connection to spirit, I have deep empathy for what they have gone through, and I provide comfort and safety while delivering honesty.
Align your profile, content, or website experience to match the value that your clients expect to find when they work with you. Example: website color, imagery, headshots... What kind of mood do they feel when they go to your profile or website?
Video: Headshots
Reading: Book Yourself Solid, Expert Secrets
Additional Materials: ​Client Interview Questions - Sample
Lesson 21: Launching Your Program
​Personal Exploration: Keep looking for patterns that are holding you back from abundance. Where are the places you are still experiencing avoidance or compulsion patterns in your business? Are you bumping up against value or worth patterns? Is there any place where you feel like you don't have enough time, money, products, or knowledge in order to get started? Where do you feel motivated, lack of motivation, or procrastination? What feels in alignment and in flow?
Program and Offerings
Meet Me: Introduce Yourself and the SANGA method
Value- Centered Profile Page or Website - prompts them to register for the free SANGA training
In Person Conversation - Ask them about what they want (What do they value?)
Invite them to:
Free Training - (Sanga website Transformational Healing)
If this resonates with them, invite them to:
Get to Know Me and Deepen Your Knowledge: Offer them additional value and get them to commit their time and attention to you
Your Free Training (Niche) - Value Centered Webinar (Advanced Training) Based on their patterns or problems
Free Discovery Call - (Personalized advice on one or two of their patterns)
1-3 Tips
If this resonates with them, invite them to:
Work With Me and Treat Yourself: Provide a way to build trust and confidence in you
Intake $195
Personalized Session
Soul Frequency/Resonant Frequency $185
Body Calibration $185
Chakra Tune-Up $85
Sound Healing Session $85
If this resonates with them, invite them to:
Invest In Me and In Yourself: Deepen the relationship and have a customer for life!
Premium Package - 3 - 6 Months
Transformation Package w/ Group integration $600/mo.
Transformation Package w/ Private Yoga $1,000/mo.
Video: Finding Your Niche
Reading: Book Yourself Solid, Expert Secrets, Surrender Experiment
Additional Materials: ​Client Interview Questions - Sample